Training Files

Training Files

    • Related Articles

    • Beginners Training Guide

      PLEASE READ!!! You must right click on the training guide below and select "Open in new window," or you will receive a blank screen when trying to download.
    • What type of CAD files can I use to create profile parts with?

      SecturaFAB supports both DXF and DWG files.
    • DXF Import Match Material

      Setup > Preference & Costs> Preference > DXF Import Match Material Material warning Options : Yes or No When set to Yes and you import a CAD file that does not have a matching entry in the material and thickness map tables, you will get an error and ...
    • Make Part Names Unique

      Setup > Preferences & Costs > Preferences > Make Part Names Unique Handle duplicate part names. Options: Yes or No If Make Part Names Unique is set to Yes then a post script will be added to the item name if it exists in the quote. If Make Part Names ...
    • How can I save DXF files to parts?

      The easiest way is to import the DXF parts into a quote.  All parts in this quote can then be saved to a pricelist once an order is won.  This is done at the end where you will be prompted to add these products. In addition, you may import parts into ...