Quote Detail

Quote Detail

Setup > Quote Details

The following options are available in quote Details.

Default Term - Quote Terms
Default Ship Via - Quote Ship Via
Number of Cost Digits - Number of digits for cost values.
Shipping Cost Type - Default shipping distribution. 
Quote Tax Rate (%) - Default Tax Rate.
Credit Card Rate (%) - Default Credit Card Rate.
Material Margin - Default Material Margin.
Operation Margin - Default Operation Margin.
Profit Model - Margin or Markup
Margin - Default Global Margin or Markup
Outsource Margin - Default Margin or Markup for Outsourced items.
Hardware Margin - Default Margin or Markup for Hardware or components.
Apply Commission - Apply commissions to the quote
Commission (%) - The commission percentage to be applied.
Plate - Display the Plate Button on the quote screen.
Linear - Display the Linear Button on the quote screen.
Profile - Display the CAD or Image button on the quote screen.
Number of days for Due Date - Default number of days to add for the Due Date.
Number of days for Start Date - Default number of days to add for the Start Date.
Number of days for Valid To Date - Default number of days to add for the Valid To Date.
Use Product Weight Cost - Use Plate product costs.
Quote Item Location - Quote item locations.
Approved For Production - Check before an Order can be release to a Work Order.
Production Ready Default - Default setting for Production Ready
Grain Constrain Default - Default Grain Constrain setting.
Default STEP Type - Default STEP File Type.
Auto Save Quote To Price List - Auto Save items to price lists.

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