Price books

Price books

Price books

Price books allows you to change the cost or price of an item based on location or a custom rule.
A quote has a price book and by changing the price book property of the quote the costs of the quote will change.
This is often used where different locations have different operation cost or different material cost for the same service or product. 
Note: Price books can be applied to material and operation costs.

Setup Price Book 

When you create a cost you can select the price book if a price book exists or type in the name of the price book to create a new price book.

Below is a sample of a Material cost that have a price book for Plant 1 and Plant 2.

Applying Price Books

A quote has a Price Book property that allows you to change the price book for a quote. 
If a cost category exist with that is the same as the base but with a matching price book, then the cost with the price book will be used else the base cost will be used. 

e.g. If you have a quote with the Price Book set to Plant 1 and a item that uses the Cost Category of Mat-MS-A36-0.25. If a matching Cost Category exist that has a Price Book of Plant 1 then that cost will be uses else the base cost will be used. 
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