

    • Related Articles

    • Price books

      Price books Price books allows you to change the cost or price of an item based on location or a custom rule. A quote has a price book and by changing the price book property of the quote the costs of the quote will change. This is often used where ...
    • Costs

      Setup > Preferences & Costs > Costs Costs The Cost screen allows you to manage all your material and operation costs in one locations. Each operation and material has an associated cost.  Costs can be added to SecturaFAB by using the interface, ...
    • Price Break Type Default

      Setup > Preference & Costs > Preference > Price Break Type Default Price Breaks Price breaks allows you to create pricing for different quantities for the same line item.  Different margins or discounts can be given to different quantities. Set the ...
    • Cost Lookup

      Setup > Preferences & Costs > Costs > Cost Lookup Cost Lookups allows you to replace a cost based on a condition. To create a Cost Lookup you need a base cost and a Substitute Cost and a condition that will replace the base cost. Adding a Cost Lookup ...
    • Costs and Pricing adjustment