Operation Calculator Types

Operation Calculator Types


Operation Calculators are used to build and represent costing components for each operation. Taking "Laser Profiling" as an example of a quotable Operation, an Operation Calculator will be used to represent each of the "Laser Profiling Costing Components" which can be "Sheet Setup", "Machine Setup", "Labor Running Cost", "Teardown" etc. 

Different Operation Calculator Types exists to facilitate the different financial and mathematical approached to automate and estimate these different Operation Costing Components. 

Each calculator consists of the following elements. 
  1. Driver : This is the base value that drives the calculator. This can be a Time/Duration, a Length/Dimension or Weight.
  2. Conversion : A conversion can be used to mathematically manipulate or convert the Driver. 
  3. Cost : After the Driver has been through the conversion it is multiplied by a Cost/Rate to yield the $ value estimate.  

Time Based Operation Calculators

Time Based Operation Calculators are driven by a duration. This can either be a time provided by the Sales Rep during quoting, or a time/duration calculated by the software based on properties of the quoted item.

* Time

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : A Default value can be used, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Fixed Time

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : A Default value can be used, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred once for the quote line.

* Per Unit Time

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : A Default value can be used, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Per Sheet Time

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : A Default value can be used, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for each sheet/linear item required to fulfill the ordered quantity. Until nesting is done to determine the quantity required, a quantity of one will be assumed. 

* Per Unit and Time 

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) and a Quantity.
Driver Input : Sales Rep to provide a Quantity and a duration. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

Weigh Based Operations

Weight Based Operation Calculators are driven by weight. This can either be a weight provided by the Sales Rep during quoting, or based on the properties of the quoted item.

* Weight

Driver : Weight (lb, kg, etc.)
Driver Input : The "Weight" of the of the quoted item.
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* True Weight

Driver : Weight (lb, kg, etc.)
Driver Input : The "True Weight" of the of the quoted item.
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

Length Based Operations

Length Based Operation Calculators are driven by a length. This can either be a length provided by the Sales Rep during quoting, a default value, or based on the properties for the quoted item.

* Perimeter

Driver : Length (m, cm, inch, foot, etc.)
Driver Input : The "Perimeter" of the quoted item.
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Length

Driver : Length (m, cm, inch, foot, etc.)
Driver Input : A preset default value, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input.  
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Max Dimension

Driver : Length (m, cm, inch, foot, etc.)
Driver Input : The maximum dimension, between width and length, of the quoted item. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Min Dimension

Driver : Length (m, cm, inch, foot, etc.)
Driver Input : The minimum dimension, between width and length, of the quoted item. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

Area Based Operations

Area based Operation Calculators are driven by area. This can either be a area provided by the Sales Rep during quoting, a preset default, or based on the properties of the quoted item.

* Area

Driver : The driver for this Calculator is a area (sq in, sq ft, sq m, sq mm, etc.)
Driver Input : The Area of the Quoted Item. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Surface Area

Driver : The driver for this Calculator is a area (sq in, sq ft, sq m, sq mm, etc.)
Driver Input : The Area of the quoted item, Sales Rep to determine sides of part to be considered (one side, both sides, etc), together with a % yield. Sales Rep can also provide area quantity. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

When "Surface Area" is used the following inputs are presented to the Sales Rep during the quoting process:

Per Unit/Pieces Based Operations

Per Unit/Pieces Based Operations is driven by a single quantity. 

* Fixed

Driver : Quantity (# of Items/Units, etc.)
Driver Input : A preset default value, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred once for the quote line.

* Per Unit

Driver : Quantity (# of Items/Units, etc.)
Driver Input : A preset default value, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

Batch Operation Calculator

Batch Operation Calculators is used to represent Batch Operation, where the Operation runs at a constant time to process a Batch of parts, but the number of parts in the batch varies. 

* Batch

Driver : Quantity (# of Items in batch.)
Driver Input : A preset default value, or can be driven as a Sales Rep Input. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

Specialized Operation Calculators

The following calculators are specialized, each to mimic a typical and specific quoting philosophy used in the industry. 

* Profile

This calculator will estimate the time needed to "profile" a part. This is done by the information associated to the profiling equipment.
It will estimate profiling time for Laser, Plasma, Oxy Cut profiling machines based on the Material and Thickness of the material being profiled, and the geometry of the item being quoted.
It will estimate the punching time for Punch machines based on the punch tools and given punch cycle information associated with the Punching machine. 

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : The calculated profiling time. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Saw

This calculator will estimate the time needed to saw linear items. 
It will estimate the sawing for linear items (bar, pipe, structural and tube) based on the Cross Sectional Area of the item and the Area/Time information associated with the sawing equipment. 

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : The calculated sawing time. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Bend

This calculator will estimate the time needed to bend (Press Brake) items. 
The estimation is made by inputs provided by the Sales Rep during the quoting process. Input are "# of Bends" and "Time per Bend".

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) and Quantity (Number of Bends).
Driver Input : Sales Rep to provide "# of Bends" and "Time per Bend" during the quoting process. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.


This calculator will estimate the time needed to shear a rectangular part. 
The estimation is made by assuming a preset default time needed to perform a shear hit. 

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) and Quantity (Number of Bends).
Driver Input : One sheer hit per part is assumed. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Mill

This calculator is used to estimate milling operation times. 
The estimation is made based on the milling operations defined by the Sales Rep during the quoting process. (See the following image)

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : The estimated milling times based on the Milling Operations specified by the Sales Rep during the quoting process.  
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Drill

This calculator is used to estimate drilling times. 
The estimation is made based on the drill operations defined by the Sales Rep during the quoting process. (See the following image)

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : The estimated drill times based on the Drill Operations specified by the Sales Rep during the quoting process. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

* Weld

This calculator is used to estimate welding times.
The estimation is made based on the Welds defined by the Sales Rep during the quoting process (See the following image)

Driver : Duration (hours, minutes, seconds).
Driver Input : The estimated welding times based on the Welding Operations specified by the Sales Rep during the quoting process. 
Applied To : The results is estimated/incurred for every quoted item.

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