Importing Format: Products, Costs, and Materials

Importing Format: Products, Costs, and Materials

When adding products, costs, and/or materials into SecturaFAB, you can either manually create each one with the "ADD" button, or you can import all of them at the same time using a .csv file. Below are the three formats you will need to use to accomplish this. There are also three .csv files attached that you may use.


When importing, you will need to make sure your excel file is set up in the following way. The following list, should be input to Row 1, each letter in the list below should correspond with letter of the column. Please make sure to watch for any capitals, or underscores, as this is case sensitive.

  1. MaterialGrade
  2. Description
  3. MaterialGroup
  4. GroupCode
  5. ProductType
  6. Density
  7. Density_Units
  8. Waterjetmachinablinity
  9. Remark
Your Materials csv files should now look something like this. There is an example of a material that will be successfully imported into SecturaFAB 


When importing, you will need to make sure your excel file is set up in the following way. The following list, should be input to Row 1, each letter in the list below should correspond with letter of the column. Please make sure to watch for any capitals, or underscores, as this is case sensitive.

  1. PriceBook
  2. Name
  3. CostType
  4. Cost
  5. Price
  6. Cost_Units
  7. Currency
  8. Currency_Symbol
  9. MaterialGrade
  10. Thickness
  11. Thickness_Units
  12. ExternalReference

Your Costs csv files should now look something like this. There is an example of a Cost that will be successfully imported into SecturaFAB:


When importing, you will need to make sure your excel file is set up in the following way. The following list, should be input to Row 1, each letter in the list below should correspond with letter of the column. Please make sure to watch for any capitals, or underscores, as this is case sensitive. The products csv file will have quite a few columns that will need to be filled out, so the examples will be split into 2 pictures.

  1. ProductType
  2. ProductSubType
  3. ProductName
  4. Category
  5. SubCategory
  6. ProductCode
  7. ProductDescription
  8. Size
  9. WeihtCategory
  10. TimeCategory
  11. IncludeInPriceList
  12. Account
  13. WebUrl
  14. ShapeName
  15. Dim1
  16. Dim1_Unit
  17. Dim2
  18. Dim2_Unit
  19. Dim3
  20. Dim3_Unit
  21. Dim4
  22. Dim4_Unit
  23. Area
  24. Area_Unit
  25. Perimeter
  26. Perimeter_Unit
  27. WeightLenght
  28. WeightLenght_Unit
  29. MaterialCrade
  30. MaterialExternalReference
  31. Thickness
  32. Thickness_Unit
  33. WeightArea
  34. WeightArea_Unit
  35. xDim
  36. xDim_Units
  37. yDim
  38. yDim_Units
  39. zDim
  40. zDim_Units
  41. Weight
  42. Weight_Units
  43. ServiceType
  44. ProductConfigName
  45. SKU
  46. Length
  47. Length_Unit
  48. Width
  49. Width_Unit
  50. ExcludeFromNest

Part 1 (A - AB):

Part 2 (AC - AX)

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