

Setup > Preferences & Costs > Costs


The Cost screen allows you to manage all your material and operation costs in one locations.
Each operation and material has an associated cost. 
Costs can be added to SecturaFAB by using the interface, importing a CSV file or using the API with an integration to an ERP system.

Add Costs 

Price Book: The price book assigned to the Cost. Select an existing price book or type in a new price book name to create a new price book.
Name: Name of the cost record
Cost Type: One of the following cost types are available.
Weight Cost
Time Cost
Length Cost
Area Cost
Volume Cost
Fixed Cost
Per Unit Cost
Units: Units of the cost. This will change depending on the Cost Type.
Currency: Currency of the cost.
Cost: The cost value 
Burden: Burden portion of the cost.
Note: The Cost and the Burden are added together to get the effective cost value.
Rate: Price or Rate.
Material: Material Grade or Material Group.
Thickness: Material Thickness and units. 
External Reference: Reference Number in ERP or Accounting system.

Working With Costs

Costs are mainly used for an operation cost or a material cost. 

Operation Costs

When a operation is created, a cost category is assigned to the operation. Depending on the Cost Model and the Profit Model the items operation cost will be calculated using the Effective cost and/or the Rate of the cost.

Labor Rate
If the Cost Model is set to "Labor Rate" then the operation cost and price will be calculated as follows:
Unit Cost = Time * Effective Cost
and the
Unit Price = Time * Rate / (1 - Operation Margin%) or 
Unit Price = Time * Rate * (1 + Operation Markup%) 

Cost with Margin
If the Cost Model is set to "Cost with Margin" then the cost and price will be calculated as follows:
Unit Cost = Time * Effective Cost
and the 
Unit Price = Unit Cost / (1 - Operation Margin%) or 
Unit Price = Unit Cost * (1 + Operation Markup%) 
depending on the Profit Model.

Material Costs

A cost category that is selected for a Quote or Order Item based on the material grade and thickness of the item.
The Material field of the cost category is used to find an matching material grade. If no matching material grade is found then SecturaFAB tries to find a match using the item's material group. 
From the list of cost categories that have a material match, a thickness match will be done to find the best cost category.
Note: If a plate product is assigned to the Quote or Order Item then and the Plate Product has a Cost Category, then that Cost Category of the plate will be used.
The material cost and price will be calculated as follows:
Unit Material Cost =  Item Weight * Effective Cost 
and the 
Unit Materia Price = Unit Material Cost / (1 - Material Margin%) or
Unit Materia Price = Unit Material Cost * (1 - Material Markup%) 
depending on the Profit Model.

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